Adventures Great and Glorious (Old School RPGs Hardcover) - BRW Games

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Hard Cover

Compatible with Most Old School RPGs

What if there was something for high level characters to do
other than kill bigger monsters? Now there is.
A continuation of the possibilities set forth in ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP
and other fantasy role-playing games, ADVENTURES GREAT AND
GLORIOUS lets you take your game to the next level, letting your players
become lords of their own territories, courtiers at the royal court, scions of
their own families, and even creators of their own demiplanes of existence.
Fully compatible with most old-school role-playing games, this book includes
sections on:
• Clearing territory and attracting followers and settlers in the wilderness
• Becoming functionaries and courtiers and sharing in the intrigues of a
royal court
• Governing territories, collecting taxes, creating mines, and dealing with
the unexpected events of rulership
• The Long Game, with campaign turns, events, and growing families
• Mass combat, with simple rules that let the players take center stage at
the critical moment and help decide the outcome of the battle
• New secondary skills, treasure, magic items, and spells